Consumer analytics help us understand their requirement. Millennium Media collects data through survey and polls to get an insight of the customer demand and market trend. Today, no business can succeed without carrying out consumer analytics. Thus, this is an important activity in the growth of business.

This process is also known as data mining. Every industry has different set of rules to perform consumer analytics. Commonly, we analyse customer demand, market supply and the gap between fulfillments of the needs.

Consumers are the God for every businessman. Irrespective of the sector they are dealing in. Millennium Media as a responsible media agency in the Melbourne city, we carry out consumer analytics at periodic intervals.

Consumer analytics includes:

Number of people using the product

We take 1,000 samples per state & analysis what they feel about the product/service.

How many of them liked/disliked the product

We analyse the reasoning behind the like & dislike of the product/service.

Is the selling price low or expensive

Is the product low or highly priced than required?

What is the scope of improvement in the product?

Make changes users feel shall be made to improve the product/service.

This is not all. Consumer analytics offer in-depth analysis of what comes to the user’s mind in a second after pronouncing the products name. Also, the appearance of the product or the delivery of the services promised plays a crucial role.

Technology has moved the society so much forward that we can access the review made from any corner of the world. Millennium Media works on social media development of the company under this process as well as a different component.

We design new templates, short films, capsules & e-brochures that work as a pop-up ad for the client. This pop-up advertisement runs across the websites to attract the target audience towards the product.

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